Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Topic #1: Sub-Cultures Based in Fiction

For some reason people are engaging in lifestyles that seem based in fiction. In the early 1990's, many young people started to identify with Anne Rice and created Vampire Cults. Today, more young people seem to be fascinated with the Twilight series and have started forming communities based on that fictional world. Why do you think this is occurring? What is the benefit/deficit to this kind of conduct? Is this the result of being a "geek" about some topic or is this more? How should mainstream culture threat these trends? Why?

Please watch the videos below and respond by 5pm CST, July 9.

-Safari Bob


dmays254 said...

What I think about this is kids have been watching to much television and movies. Overall if they are not hurting nobody or killing people I don't see no crime in that. I think its just a phase which most likley they'll get over it.

Unknown said...

Vampire is one of the figures, which provided by the horror world cinema. Some people considered a vampire to be just a myth that is not realistic, but what makes fairy tales spread thought this life and in the same details as well. There must be some bases for this story might show some facts of a vampire's existence.The people who live with this disease of thought appear to not have some symptoms, which are similar to what the established authors describe in their vampires stories. Indeed, the person who infected with this disease feel warm and lose the skin's color when exposed to the sunlight, which most of the people, who considered their self as vampires do not satisfy. This disease also causes a shortage in the red blood cells, which makes the patient needs a transfer blood from the victim. In general, this kind of thought leads these people who considered them self as vampires to suffer from a rare and a devastating disease named a geek. What surprising is there is an annual celebration held in Germany under auspices named supporters of vampire and the aim of this event is launching the dark side among the participants. So, to limit and control the appearance of this situation is that media has to publish the correct image of a human being and explain the boundary of their abilities.

Unknown said...

Teenagers thinking or acting like they are vampires or werewolves is just another way for them to express themselves, without falling into an old trend. It is another way for them to be labeled as different and unique. The benefit of their behavior is mainly self expression and like the woman in the video said its a way for them to find a group of kids with the same interests and to have a sense of belonging. However, mainstream society may look down on them and see them as a "freak" or some kind of outcast, which may effect them later in their life. I do not know for sure why mainstream society look down on people who express themselves differently; but, I'm guessing, it's just because they have a hard time accepting something different because of how we were raised to dress and act. I'm not sure if I would use the word "geek" to describe how they are; I think I would maybe use the word "passionate" or "fascinated;" Maybe even "envious."

Unknown said...

Teenagers thinking or acting like they are vampires or werewolves is just another way for them to express themselves, without falling into an old trend. It is another way for them to be labeled as different and unique. The benefit of their behavior is mainly self expression and like the woman in the video said its a way for them to find a group of kids with the same interests and to have a sense of belonging. However, mainstream society may look down on them and see them as a "freak" or some kind of outcast, which may effect them later in their life. I do not know for sure why mainstream society look down on people who express themselves differently; but, I'm guessing, it's just because they have a hard time accepting something different because of how we were raised to dress and act. I'm not sure if I would use the word "geek" to describe how they are; I think I would maybe use the word "passionate" or "fascinated;" Maybe even "envious." Alot of teenagers go through that phase where they want to be something or someone else, and their fascination with vampires and werewolves gives them that fantasy life. They will eventually realize that it is unlikely that they will be successful if they continue to live their lives that way and will grow out of their phase. But, they aren't hurting anyone and they're doing what they're supposed to like good students and good kids; so, I say just let them be teenagers.